September 27 2024

Pop-Up Engagement at Pemberton Valley Farmer's Market, 3pm - 6pm

October 04 2024

Pop-Up Engagement at Pemberton Valley Farmer's Market, 3pm - 6pm

October 07 2024

Pemberton Housing Action Project - Open House, 6pm to 8pm, at Pemberton and District Community Centre

The community is invited to view and provide input on the work completed to date to address the housing crisis in Pemberton. Topics will include proposed zoning updates, housing incentives, a new housing strategy, and planning work to ensure municipal infrastructure keeps pace. More information will be posted on this website closer to the event. 

September → November 2024

FALL 2024: Public engagement, followed by final drafts and presentation to Council

A public in-person open house and online engagement will provide the community with opportunities to review and provide input on the draft content for the housing initiatives. 

Stay tuned this summer for dates and more details.

July → August 2024

SUMMER 2024: Draft content (In Progress)

Staff and the WCS Engagement + Planning team will use the input and additional workshops and meetings as needed to develop the draft content for each of the housing initiatives in preparation for fall public engagement.

July 09 2024

Committee of the Whole - Housing Workshop (Completed)

Staff and the Village's consultants will hold a workshop with Council during the Committee of the Whole Meeting, beginning at 11:30am. More information including the meeting agenda package and supplemental information can be viewed through the following link:

May → June 2024

SPRING 2024: (Completed) Preparation, research, and initial input

Preparation: Project scoping, hiring consultants to support the process (COMPLETED)

Research: Background research on all existing housing plans, policies, and bylaws, as well as research on housing practices in other communities. (ICOMPLETED)

Initial input: Engagement to gather initial input to inform the housing initiatives as listed below. COMPLETED)

  1. Meetings with Lil’wat Nation
  2. Focus group with developers
  3. A workshop with downtown stakeholders and Village of Pemberton staff
  4. A public drop-in information session about the downtown pre-zoning initiative on May 23 at Pemberton and District Community Centre from 1:30-2:30pm. Stay tuned to Village communications channels for more information.