Affordable Housing

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Currently, very little housing in Pemberton is considered affordable. Council’s number one Strategic Priority is to take action on this issue. The Village recognizes that facilitating a range of housing options is essential in creating an inclusive, affordable and livable community in Pemberton.

The Affordable Housing Action Plan directs Village Staff to have a conversation with community groups and residents on affordable housing issues and options.

The Village hosted a virtual information session "Let's Talk Affordable Housing" on Tuesday, January 26th 2021. Staff provided an overview of work done on affordable housing to date and next steps. Q&A was held at the end. To view a video recording of the session, go to Let's Talk Affordable Housing Session Video.

In January and February, the Village conducted an online survey to get resident's feedback. To view the results of the survey, see the Affordable Housing Survey Results.

The purpose of the Survey was to gauge community perceptions about changes to housing form, density, and neighbourhood character that may enhance the Village’s ability to encourage or promote the delivery of affordable housing throughout the community. The results are currently being analysed...

Currently, very little housing in Pemberton is considered affordable. Council’s number one Strategic Priority is to take action on this issue. The Village recognizes that facilitating a range of housing options is essential in creating an inclusive, affordable and livable community in Pemberton.

The Affordable Housing Action Plan directs Village Staff to have a conversation with community groups and residents on affordable housing issues and options.

The Village hosted a virtual information session "Let's Talk Affordable Housing" on Tuesday, January 26th 2021. Staff provided an overview of work done on affordable housing to date and next steps. Q&A was held at the end. To view a video recording of the session, go to Let's Talk Affordable Housing Session Video.

In January and February, the Village conducted an online survey to get resident's feedback. To view the results of the survey, see the Affordable Housing Survey Results.

The purpose of the Survey was to gauge community perceptions about changes to housing form, density, and neighbourhood character that may enhance the Village’s ability to encourage or promote the delivery of affordable housing throughout the community. The results are currently being analysed...

  • 61 New Affordable Homes on the way for Pemberton, B.C.

    Share 61 New Affordable Homes on the way for Pemberton, B.C. on Facebook Share 61 New Affordable Homes on the way for Pemberton, B.C. on Twitter Share 61 New Affordable Homes on the way for Pemberton, B.C. on Linkedin Email 61 New Affordable Homes on the way for Pemberton, B.C. link

    Pemberton, BC – BC Housing has approved an application to the Community Housing Fund (CHF) submitted by Sea to Sky Community Services (SSCS) in partnership with the Village of Pemberton (the Village), offering 61 new affordable housing units available to community members living in the Village of Pemberton and surrounding areas.

    Affordable housing has been a priority in the Village of Pemberton’s community plan for over a decade. Similar to other communities in the Sea to Sky region, Pemberton is experiencing increased population growth, upward pressure on housing prices and limited supply of affordable rental opportunities. In 2019, the Village Council formally added Affordable Housing as a Strategic Priority and since that time have completed an Affordable Housing Revised Background Report, an Age-Friendly Affordable Housing Needs Assessment, and an Age-Friendly Affordable Housing Action Plan and Work Program. The Village has begun public engagement on options for facilitating more affordable housing by way of an information session and survey, with results to be presented in the near future.

    This new project will provide housing to families, seniors and persons with disabilities. The proposed location on Harrow Rd., will offer 32 units allocated to independent families, comprised of eight (8) 3-bedroom units and twenty-four (24) 2-bedoom units, and 29 units allocated to independent seniors and persons with disabilities (1-bedroom units). The latter will also include eight (8) dedicated accessible units for persons with disabilities.

    When asked about the project, Executive Director Jaye Russell stated, “We are thrilled with the news. Funding from BC Housing will provide much needed safe and affordable housing to individuals and families that need it the most. We are pleased to partner with the Village of Pemberton and look forward to engaging the community in the months ahead.”

    “The Village of Pemberton is ecstatic that this proposal has been approved to proceed. In 2019, Village of Pemberton Council identified Affordable Housing is a Strategic Priority and have been working to encourage and enable this type of development. With the announcement of this funding, and our partnership with Sea to Sky Community Services, this will allow us to deliver affordable housing options for up to 60 Pemberton families or individuals while improving social stability and equity in the Pemberton community,” said Mike Richman, Village of Pemberton Mayor.

    More information will follow as the project requires an amendment to the Official Community Plan (OCP) and Zoning Bylaw in order to proceed. Community consultation on the OCP and Zoning Bylaw amendments will provide the public and key stakeholders the opportunity to view concept drawings and “have their say”. Project success will rely heavily on community and neighborhood support and engagement.

    - END -

    About Sea to Sky Community Services

    With compassion, respect and care, SSCS provides high quality programs throughout our region to enhance the lives of residents at every age and stage of life. To do this, we offer affordable housing for low to moderate income earners, early childhood care and education, social supports and mental health services. The organization’s main activities encompass six different service delivery areas which are the core structure of our programs and services. These areas are Affordable Housing, Youth, Community Living, Adults and Families, Children and Childcare Services. The activities in these core areas include youth at risk programs and support; children and family support programs including childcare; employment, life skills, and housing services for adults with developmental disabilities; food security through food banks; crisis support and intervention; mental health support through counselling and referral services.

    About the Village of Pemberton

    Pemberton is one of the most desirable communities in BC and home to family farms, fresh outdoor adventures and stunning vistas. With over 2500 residents and just 30 km from Whistler, Pemberton prides itself on its creative and collaborative approach with the business community, local volunteer groups, neighbouring communities and key business and tourism partners such as Tourism Pemberton and the Pemberton & District Chamber of Commerce. Pemberton’s mild winters, warm summers and unique pioneer heritage provide an ideal place to enjoy arts, culture, history, recreation, dining, shopping and comfortable lodging.

    Media Contacts

    Sea to Sky Community Services Housing Department

    604-892-5796 ext. 245

    Vinka Hutchinson

    Communications and Grant Coordinator

    Village of Pemberton

    604-894-6135 ext. 230


  • How we live

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    Click on the infographic to see how Pemberton residents currently live.

  • Which housing types are currently permitted and where ?

    Share Which housing types are currently permitted and where ? on Facebook Share Which housing types are currently permitted and where ? on Twitter Share Which housing types are currently permitted and where ? on Linkedin Email Which housing types are currently permitted and where ? link

    The Village of Pemberton Zoning Bylaw regulates the physical form of development on individual parcels, this includes housing forms and building regulations such as height, lot coverage and setbacks. Housing forms that are currently permitted in the Village are listed in the table below and mapped visually.

    Housing Form

    Zone Permitted


    Single Family Dwellings

    R-1, R-2, R-3, RC-1, RM-1, RM-2, RSA-1, RTA-1, RTA-2, RSA-1, RSA-2, CD-5

    Detached or single-family dwellings is Pemberton's main form of housing.

    Secondary Suites

    R-1, R-3, RC-1, RSA-1, RSA-2, RTA-1, RTA-2

    Where secondary suites are permitted they must be above the flood construction level (FCL).

    Carriage Houses

    RSA-1, RSA-2

    Carriage houses, or accessory units above detached garages, are permitted on larger lots in Sunstone and the Ridge.

    Lots in these zones are a minimum of 930m2 (RSA-1) and 1400m2 (RSA-2).

    Either a carriage house or secondary suite is permitted per lot, not both.


    R-3, RM-1, RM-2, RTA-1, CD-5

    Duplexes are permitted in some established neighbourhoods and in comprehensively zoned areas like Tiyata.


    RM-1, RM-2, RTA-1, RTA-2, CD-1, CD-2, CD-3, CD-4, CD-5

    Townhouses are permitted in multi-family and comprehensive development zones.


    RM-2, C-3, CD-5

    Apartments are permitted in a few zones. The maximum height of apartments is 10.5 m / 3 storeys in RM-2 and C-3 zones and 17m / 4 storeys in CD-5 zone.

    Commercial / Residential Mixed Use Buildings

    C-1, C-3, C-5

    Mixed use buildings (with commercial at grade/residential above) are permitted in various commercial zones including Downtown, Portage Road and Neighbourhood Pub.

    Village of Pemberton Zoning Bylaw No. 823, 2018 is available here:

    Village of Pemberton Zoning Map is available here:

Page last updated: 27 Apr 2022, 01:32 PM